Monday, April 8, 2013

Get to Know Bob Noone, '73

1. How did you spend the first 3-5 years after you graduated from Jane Addams College of Social Work?
I worked at the substance abuse program at the Family Service and MHC of Oak Park and River Forest, where I remained for 12 years. It was a period of accelerated learning with a great staff. My first 2 children were born in '75 and '78 and we moved from Chicago to Evanston. I also had my first professional paper published and completed the postgraduate program in family systems theory and therapy at the Georgetown Family Center in D.C. And I followed that up by entering the doctoral program at Jane Addams in 1978.

2.    What three words describe your life in the 80's?
Busy, rewarding, and engaging. My 3rd child was born in '81, I received my Ph.D. in '83, I became the executive director of the Family Service Center of Wilmette, Glenview, Northbrook, and Kenilworth, and I began presenting at more professional conferences.

3.    What is your favorite memory of the 90's?
Other than the rewards and tribulations of raising teenagers, I'd have to say that the continuing fascination with seeing and learning more about family systems was a great experience.

4.    Where is your favorite place you traveled to since graduating from  the College?
I can't name a favorite place since I've had so many. Both of my parents were immigrants from Ireland and so I loved going there and meeting so many family members I had not known. I was also involved in a longitudinal research study of families in a remote village in Dominica for 8 years I went there once or twice a year. It's an incredibly beautiful place. And of course what's not to like about France, Italy, Spain, England and Scotland!

6.    Have you thought about or completed another degree after earning your MSW? What was it?
 I received my Ph.D. from Jane Addams and found that experience to have been excellent.

7.    Have you picked up any fun hobbies since graduation?
I have been too much of a workaholic to have picked up any hobbies!

8.    What is your favorite memory of your time at the College?
I think the freedom to pursue my interest in family systems while in the MSW program was my favorite memory. It wasn't taught at the time, but the faculty allowed me to have the freedom to work my interest into a wide range of classes.

9.    What is something new you learned in the 2000's?
 I don't think I can narrow it down. It has been an ongoing learning process for decades and my gratitude to so many has kept growing.

10.  Any other important news you would like to share?
Being a grandparent is the best!

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